Air treatment's station handles various functions.
These installations make it possible to purify the air, to heat and cool the premises, to humidify or dehumidify the interior atmosphere… They are made up of many elements: battery, fan, condenser… and air filters.
These limit the clogging of the network of air ducts which convey the air into the premises and, in the case of a dual-flow ATS, to the outside. ATS filters also trap fine particles, helping to improve indoor air quality.
These components can be regenerate one or several times.
ATS's function
An ATS is more often settled on the roof of a property. It equips school as well as factories, shops, workshops, warehouse or sports hall. This complex system is made up of several elements whose air filters. The later filter outside air's particles before it comes into premises by way of ducts. More than just improve the air's quality, filters help limiting the grid's clogging.
Frequency of ATS filters's replacement
Air treatment's station's filters have to be regularly maintained and, if required, replaced.
The substitution of ATS filters represent a vital and usually expensive investment.
So as to reduce the bill, it is possible to regenerate it. In the event of a change, the frequency of filter replacement depends on multiple criteria :
The orientation
Of air entrance
The environment
of property
The nature of activities
did in the premises
The duration
of operation
The mode of use
of the ATS
ATS filters's regeneration
The SNS Industrie's experts evaluate the whole of ATS filters in order to determine their eligibility to regeneration.
They evaluate the value of charge's loss, that is to say the filtration efficiency, of each filter to know if it's possible to clean it.
Our teams take charge of every kind of filters which compose your ATS. Each filter is evaluated, treated and carved to guarantee its traceability.
Maximized the use of your ATS and its maintenance thanks to industrial air filters's regeneration.